Demonstratiile seminarului aniversar
In acest an 2017, Fundatia Romana de Aikido Aikikai aniverseaza 20 de ani de activitate neintrerupta.
Cu ocazia acestei sarbatori, seminarul international din septembrie a reunit la Cluj-Napoca cinci maestri de Aikido: Mitsuteru Ueshiba, Hombu Dojo-cho (Japonia), Ulf Evenas Shihan 7 Dan (Suedia), Wilko Vriesman Shihan 6 Dan (Olanda), Michele Quaranta Shihan 6 Dan (Elvetia) si Kei Izawa Sensei 6 Dan (SUA).
Dupa antrenamentele din cele trei zile, 15-17 septembrie, a urmat seria de embukai, adica demonstratiile maestrilor invitati. Acestea pot fi urmarite si pe canalul de Youtube al fundatiei , precum si pe pagina de facebook a organizatiei noastre.
This year, 2017, the Romanian Aikikai Aikido Foundation celebrates 20 years of continuous activity.
On this occasion, the international seminar reunited in September, in Cluj-Napoca, five Aikido great teachers: Mitsuteru Ueshiba, Hombu Dojo-cho (Japan), Ulf Evenas Shihan 7 Dan (Sweden), Wilko Vriesman Shihan 6 Dan (Nederland), Michele Quaranta Shihan 6 Dan (Switzerland) and Kei Izawa Sensei 6 Dan (USA).
After the trainings during the three days of the seminar, 15-17 of September, there was an Embukai session with the demonstrations of the invited Aikido masters. These videos can be seen on the foundation's Youtube channel , as well as on the Facebook page of our organization .